What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Velankanni Helping Hands

During our pilgrimage to Velankanni, Whispering Hope took some time out to visit the orphanage run by a group called Velankanni Helping Hands.  These children were left desolate after the tsunami and Mr. Antony Franklin Jayaraj took pity on them and brought them under his wing.  With a few friends to help out and the untiring effort of a young lady from Switzerland, he now shelters about 17 children.  Take a look at the photos in our album.

A big Thanks goes out to Miss Fenella Patterson who sponsored a Sunday lunch - we hope the kids enjoyed their chicken.

The kids were so talented and already have their aims in life all set.  From doctors and nurses, to engineers and scientists, these kids know what they want! 

What made me happy was seeing the joy and thrill on their little faces when they were given a chocolate.  The five Rupee 5 Star chocolate had them drooling and a couple of the kids piped up and said that 'no one ever gave us chocolate'. A big Dairy Milk chocolate for these kiddos for sure when I visit Velankanni next time! And that's a promise!

A dream comes true!

When you dream what seems to be the impossible, and God makes it possible, you can only bow your head in thanksgiving and praise the Lord as long as you live. 

Ever since our first pilgrimage in August 2002, it has been a dream to take a bus load of people to Our Lady of Good Health's Shrine at Velankanni.  Due to the lack of finance, it remained just that.  It was my birthday in March and I decided to go for it come what may.  I passed the hat around, knocked on doors, begged, borrowed and now am proud to say that my dream came true.

On the 30th June, a group of faithful people headed off to Velankanni with me leading the group.  A three day stay for most of them while three families had a two day stay.  A total of 12 families - to spend time together, bonding, eating, praying, playing and in general have a real good time just being together. Photos in the album alongside tell the story.

This would not have been possible, if the following people didn't help me out.  I'm indebted to them for their selfless giving and standing by me all the way.

From Bangalore : Fenella and Wendy

From Chennai : Divya, Nalini, Chandu, Anita, Belle, Aziz, Belinda, Chitra, Faiz Jahan, Akshita, Monica, Jennifer, Ruby, Nigel, Wayne, Wasim and Sangam Medicals

From Guntur : Isaac David, Gopi, Raju, Sajeev, Cuneyt, Guruvaiah, Lavanya, Sudha, Irfan, Srihari

From Hyderbad : Ritha, Pavithra, Usha, and Ali

From Muscat : Pearl and Biju

From Sydney : Helen, Malka, Maureen, and Manju

From Vizag :  Jackie, Daphne, Noreen, Sandra, Lynette, Daisy, Johnny, Dominic and Josephine.

And in Velankanni : Rev. Fr. John and Joyce

Birthday time again!

Year after year, we have been hosting birthday parties for our protégées - this time it was fun and frolic for the two brothers - Sagar and Sameer - and it was a blast.  The guys were so happy and little Bomi played hostess by serving the delicacies.  Nothing like a party to get things going.

Photos uploaded in the album alongside.

School fees....again!

Come June and parents keep running from pillar to post to rustle up the much needed money to pay their kids fees.  Thanks to the sponsors who unfailingly help each year, we are able to provide basic school fees to the little ones.  At least if one child comes through with flying colours, we would be over the moon.  We would like to help more kids, but the going is tough. Maybe next year, will be more rosy in this direction.