What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Monday, March 7, 2011

What is the Easter Bunny upto?

The Easter Bunny is busy making plans for the next holiday season. The days are getting brighter and hotter and Whispering Hope intends to keep sizzling all thru the summer. Time to rustle up some school fees for the poor children, beach parties, picnics, and maybe a little side trip to sunny Guntur for the most deserving kids. We do need to keep those kids out there happy and encourage them to do well in their studies.

Children's gifts are most welcome. Please feel free to contact me with your contribution. Have a fantastic summer 2011!!