What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Thursday, April 29, 2010

We’re all going on a summer holiday!

Sun, sand, surf, sports, fun times, ice cream, biscuits, chocolates, and all the goodies that a child can think of – Whispering Hope is planning to reach out to the young ones this summer and ensure that each child is given a real good time over the next three months. Plans are being made to distribute sports goods, indoor games, plenty of ice cream, biscuits and chocolates to the children in Chennai and Pondicherry. Picnics to the beach with a snack on the shore and a dip in the sea are also on the cards.

A holiday home has also been set up in Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) and ‘timeouts’ are being planned for families. A trial run was done with 7 guests (two ladies, 2 young adults and 3 young children) and was a huge success. The train ride from Chennai to Guntur added to the thrill as the children had never been on a train! Here’s hoping that this will continue to be a success and families will get a much needed break from the stress that they go through every day.

Whispering Hope would like to thank the angels who have come forward to make these dreams come true. The credit goes to our Angel from Mumbai who volunteered to provide the sports goods to the young boys and girls. Joining him are our other Angels who are : Gladys Fernandes and her sons Don and Lochlan, Douglas Hurtis and Philroy; Joan Cleur and Rebecca Dickson – all from Australia; Cuneyt Meran and Zafer Atici from Turkey; Biju Damodaran from Muscat; and Alun Long from UK. Thank you, Dears, for making wishes come true.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Easter Bunny was kept busy!

Hello there! Thanks to the sponsors who dont give up even though I feel like doing that sometimes, a few lives were touched by Whispering Hope over the Easter period.

As planned, Whispering Hope donated 10 bottles of Horlicks to cancer patients through Mr. Britto of Jesus Park. A big Thank You to Mrs. Maggie Nigli who supported this cause totally.
Rebecca and Joan from Melbourne provided the yummy snacks - potato bondas, vermicilli upuma and sooji sweet for the young girls at the Bishop Aelan's hostel for young girls. Since only a few girls were there, the bigger treat is being given during the summer holidays - the girls screamed for ice-cream(!!) and Whispering Hope intends doing just that.

An angel from Mumbai sponsored tickets for a movie for 20 teenagers and this was followed by a trip to the famous Marina beach where the teens enjoyed themselves at the balloon shooting range, horse riding, merry go round, etc. Munching on popcorn, peanuts, yummy green mango with chilli powder and salt, they were in the seventh heaven!

A visit to a boys hostel in Pondicherry provided me with an opportunity to give them a small contribution for their afternoon tea. I also found out that they require sports goods - cricket sets, badminton racquets, a net, generally the full works. Contributions towards this would be much appreciated. There are 40 boys here and the SALT Children's Home is run by a Mr. Melquie who can be contacted on +91 9486852374 for further details.