What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Fun Filled Easter - April 2010

During the Easter week, we plan to visit the Bishop Aelen's Home for Children (aged 6 to 15 years) with a lot of goodies. Thanks to Joan Cleur and Rebecca Dickson from Australia for their generous contribution towards this. Rev. Sr. Rose who is in charge of the Children can be contacted on +91 9840377989.

An organisation called 'Jesus Park' is also giving out health drinks to cancer patients at the Cancer Institute, Chennai. Whispering Hope is giving a helping hand by donating 10 bottles of Horlicks. Mr. Britto, the founder of Jesus Park, can be contacted on +91 9444862717 for further details.

Our angel from Mumbai is giving some teenagers a royal treat - these youngsters are all set for the movies, with the popcorn and the bubbly coke to keep their spirits up. Thanks to this angel these kids get to see a movie in the theatre every year. God bless you, Dear.