What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Taking it easy in 2015!

Its now the end of January and I just realised I have been very lazy and not touched this blog for a long time. Maybe one of the reasons was that I wasnt my usual self with ill health adding to my woes. I have now decided to take things easy in 2015 and go slow on my charity work, though once you are in it, you always remain in it and cant really let go. While I will be making a plan to check out which direction Whispering Hope should move in, I am always ready to serve the under privileged on your behalf. Some photos of the recent activities are being uploaded into the album. Check it out!