What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas at Chebrol

The 8th of December saw Whispering Hope make its way towards a little village called Chebrol. We visited the Carmel Convent and distributed plenty of goodies to the nuns. These nuns visit the villagers every week offering them comfort and solace, tending to the sick, counsel the young ones and spread the blessings of Christ among the needy. They also have a school which serves the surrounding villages. When parents find it difficult to pay the school fees, the nuns offer them free education. Anyone willing to sponsor a child can contact the Mother Superior, Rev. Sr. Resin on +91 8818 251370. We also visited the Church of Mary, Help of Christians, also known as the Church of Instant Miracles. A lot of goodies were given to the Priest and his helpers. Fresh buns and fruit cakes were gifted so that the village people could be fed during the cool evenings after the services. If anyone wishes to provide any kind of contribution towards feeding the people, you could get in touch with the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Anthony on +91 8818 252233. The beauty of this little church is that many miracles have taken place over the last two years and people have been flocking to receive the many graces that our Lady and Lord Jesus give to each and every one who visit. Rev. Fr. Anthony could also be contacted for prayer requests on the number given above.

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