What Angels Do!

Breaking the sound of silence, a whisper of hope is born. An Angel treads softly seeking the lost and the forlorn. A sign here, a signal there and from across the miles, Loving, Caring people gather to reach out and bring about a smile

Monday, October 24, 2016

Little things for Little Ones

When my pal, Dorothy, gave me some cash, I was wondering what to do with it and who was the most deserving person to get anything that this cash could buy.  I had almost forgotten about the money, when a little girl said she needed a pair of slippers for herself and her brother.  I jumped into give them a boost and hey, presto, a visit to the local Bata showroom and colourful slippers were bought for these two little kids. And with the remaining money, a birthday dress for the beautiful young lady was also bought.  Now who said, 'little things don't matter'! Believe me, they do and we at Whispering Hope are always ready to prove this in a mighty big way.

Thank you Dorothy and Allan Coyne for the gesture that made these two small children a happy lot!